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Episode 109 | Welcome to September!

Episode 109 | Welcome to September!

SE109 · · 06:34

Welcome to the beautiful month of September! Thank you for joining me after our month-long break. In today's episode, we look at how to make the best of the rest of the year and I gi...

Episode 108 | Life is for Living

Episode 108 | Life is for Living

SE108 · · 07:15

Today, I bring you a simple but important truth: Life is for Living. You are a living being created to truly live and bask in the goodness of God. You are more than your work, mor...

Episode 107 | What Does God Think About You?

Episode 107 | What Does God Think About You?

SE · · 06:34

What you believe God thinks about you will define and affect how you see yourself, how you relate with him and with others and how you live your life. I pray that we will give the Ho...

Episode 106 | We Need Your 1%

Episode 106 | We Need Your 1%

SE106 · · 07:23

You and I are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. And we need to be about the business of making the world better in any way we can. We may not be called to do big thi...

Episode 105 | You Have Not Done This Before

Episode 105 | You Have Not Done This Before

SE105 · · 07:34

If you're in a unique situation where you don’t know what to do or where things feel especially hard or tough or demanding, remember, you have not been here before. I pray that you ...

Episode 104 | Your Life is a Story of God

Episode 104 | Your Life is a Story of God

SE104 · · 07:06

Your story is the story of God. He's living through you and writing history through you. So never feel like you're insignificant. Your life matters to God and to His story and will h...

Episode 103 | I Can’t Forgive Myself

Episode 103 | I Can’t Forgive Myself

SE103 · · 10:12

If you have struggled with guilt or found it hard to forgive yourself for something you did, you know it can weigh so heavily. It is time to release this burden. I pray that you wil...

Episode 102 | You Don’t Have to Hurt Anymore

Episode 102 | You Don’t Have to Hurt Anymore

SE102 · · 10:10

Pain and hurt can come in different ways and take different forms, and none of us will escape it in this world. Thankfully, there is good news: We don't have to hurt anymore. And i...

Episode 101 | The Cure for Your Biggest Fears

Episode 101 | The Cure for Your Biggest Fears

SE101 · · 13:26

In today's episode, we're sharing some truths and practical steps for releasing our biggest fears. Whatever it is that has you afraid, I pray that these truths will herald true and...

Episode 100 | Celebrating 100 Episodes of The Lifeaholic Podcast!

Episode 100 | Celebrating 100 Episodes of The Lifeaholic Podcast!

SE100 · · 09:57

Today, the podcast hits a special milestone of 100 episodes! I'm grateful, I'm humbled and I'm excited! We're celebrating 100 episodes of God's grace, faithfulness and inspiration. ...

Episode 99 | 6 Special Scriptures for Your Mental Health

Episode 99 | 6 Special Scriptures for Your Mental Health

SE99 · · 14:57

Today's episode is very special! It is the last in our Mental Health 201 series, and we’re focusing on Scripture. When we turn to God in a time of emotional or mental distress, His ...

Episode 98 | 3 Quick Ways to Manage Big Emotions

Episode 98 | 3 Quick Ways to Manage Big Emotions

SE98 · · 13:08

This is the 3rd episode in our Mental Health 201 series, and today, we're sharing three practical ways to manage big emotions and gain quick control. I know you will find any one o...

Episode 97 | 8 Ideas to Relieve Stress

Episode 97 | 8 Ideas to Relieve Stress

SE97 · · 13:49

We continue our Mental Health 201 series today. There is only so much stress we can avoid, so it's important to arm ourselves with different ways to de-stress. In this episode, we'r...

Episode 96 | A Simple Practice to Manage Stress

Episode 96 | A Simple Practice to Manage Stress

SE96 · · 09:42

We're diving into a new series this month - Mental Health 201. And in this series, we'll be sharing tips and tools that can help you to stay on top of your mental and emotional healt...

Episode 95 | When You’re Really, Really Tired

Episode 95 | When You’re Really, Really Tired

SE95 · · 10:27

Today, I have a few words of encouragement and guidance for you if you’re really, really tired. I hope you'll find the insights helpful for you and for anyone you know who seems lik...

Episode 94 | What Do You Need to Hear Right Now?

Episode 94 | What Do You Need to Hear Right Now?

SE94 · · 05:36

What is big on your mind and what do you need to hear in response to it? I'm praying for you that you will hear, accept and believe the right words and that they will water seeds of...

Episode 93 | Seeing What You Want

Episode 93 | Seeing What You Want

SE93 · · 05:13

We usually don't step up to our potentials and possibilities, until we see a better picture of who we could be and what's possible for us. Today, we talk about the power of visualis...

Episode 92 | How to Respond to Criticism

Episode 92 | How to Respond to Criticism

SE92 · · 07:29

If we had our way, we would be faultless and people would always say only good things about us. But that's only wishful thinking, right? Today, we share a few helpful ways to respo...

Episode 91 | Why You May Feel Far from God (and What to Do About It)

Episode 91 | Why You May Feel Far from God (and What to Do About It)

SE91 · · 10:25

Happy Easter! What a great season to take a honest look at our relationship with God! In today's episode, we look at five possible reasons why you may feel far or distant from God,...

Episode 90 | It Will All Make Sense

Episode 90 | It Will All Make Sense

SE90 · · 08:22

I want to share a simple statement with you, which I hope you can always come back to when things are confusing or tough or hard. And this is it: It will all make sense. Whatever ma...

Episode 89 | Don't Wait for Perfection

Episode 89 | Don't Wait for Perfection

SE89 · · 09:47

You don't need to wait until you are perfect or until your ability is perfect or until the time is perfect before you take the step you need to take, whatever that step may be.  I ...

Episode 88 | Use Your Envy for Good

Episode 88 | Use Your Envy for Good

SE88 · · 09:31

Yes, we are God-loving and God-fearing people. Yes, we are growing in the fruits of the Spirit. Still, there may be times when we catch ourselves going green over something that some...

Episode 87 | An Alternative to Worrying

Episode 87 | An Alternative to Worrying

SE87 · · 10:17

Today, I share with you an alternative way to handle situations that make you worry. It is not a magic bullet, but I promise that if you do this instead of worrying, you will feel b...

Episode 86 | Certain Strength for Uncertain Times

Episode 86 | Certain Strength for Uncertain Times

SE86 · · 09:52

So much is happening in the world right now, and these are uncertain times economically, politically and in many other ways. Still, for us, the children of God, there is certain stre...

Episode 85 | Your Core Desires and Your Self-Esteem

Episode 85 | Your Core Desires and Your Self-Esteem

SE85 · · 14:04

Today, we're wrapping up our self-esteem series in a very special way. We're looking at three core desires that affect our self-esteem and some specific truths in God's Word that ad...

Episode 84 | Healing Your Self-Esteem

Episode 84 | Healing Your Self-Esteem

SE84 · · 10:36

In today's episode, we take our self-esteem discussion a little further. We look at some typical causes of an unhealthy self-esteem, and uncover a path to healing and building a hea...

Episode 83 | Don't You Settle for Less (Self Image & Self-Esteem Series 1)

Episode 83 | Don't You Settle for Less (Self Image & Self-Esteem Series 1)

SE83 · · 13:17

In today's episode, we begin a series exploring self-image and self-esteem (not God esteem!). We make decisions and filter our lives and relationships through the lens of our self-i...

Episode 82 | The Power of 20 Minutes

Episode 82 | The Power of 20 Minutes

SE82 · · 09:38

If you're struggling with the time or motivation to get things done or achieve the dreams on your heart, today's episode has an answer for you. We talk about the power of 20 minutes...

Episode 81 | Would It Really Matter?

Episode 81 | Would It Really Matter?

SE81 · · 06:17

In today's episode, I share with you a gift that I was recently given - the gift of perspective. When we remember who we are, whose we are, why we’re on earth and where we’re going...

Episode 80 | Of Habits, Goals and Desires

Episode 80 | Of Habits, Goals and Desires

SE80 · · 09:46

It's the middle of January! Did you set any goals or resolutions for the year? How’re they coming along? Are you still fired up or are you starting to lose some steam? Wherever yo...