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Episode 108 | Life is for Living SE108

Episode 108 | Life is for Living

· 07:15

Today, I bring you a simple but important truth: Life is for Living. You are a living being created to truly live and bask in the goodness of God. You are more than your work, more than your family responsibilities, more than your past. You are even more than your dreams, more than your ambitions and more than your goals. You were created for love, for life, for freshness, for goodness, for laughter, for joy, for pleasure, for Sabbath. PS: I'll be going on a break during the month of August, so there will be no new podcast episodes. This would be a good time to catch up on previous podcast episodes you may have missed or listen to the ones that you need to take in again. I pray that by the time we return, you will have a long list of things to be truly grateful for in Jesus' Name. See you in the first week of September by God's grace!


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